It's funny how everything works out. My original plan was simple and short: no. 1 'fix shoe soles', no. 2 'change fabric from violet to green with brown edging'. It didn't include no. 3 'paint dark flowers on the brown leather'. It included itself in the process. Oh, don't get me wrong I don't mind. Actually, it's the best part of creation, because if the original plan and the outcome doesn't differ I hate to tell you but you work in the factory. Or you have better planning and foreseeing the future skills than I do, but I'm better at adapting in the changed circumstances. Or I don't like to announce something as a failure and try as hard as I can to get out of this mess that a sheep would be alive and wolf satisfied. Gosh, it begins to sound too twisted...What I was trying to say, that when process is creative all the way until the end not just plain old technicality I'm really pleased.